I woke up Tuesday in a funk. I was tired and flat. Try as I might, I could not locate my “get up and go”. And, I believed 2 separate things;
I find it fascinating that I can simultaneously believe two opposing thoughts. So these two beliefs duked it out for the rest of the day and I was left on the side lines, watching. Well, this is what it felt like anyhow. The reason I have 2 oposing beliefs is in part due to all the self-growth practices I have in my life that are stirring up some deeply held (and out-dated) beliefs. But, also because of this Reggie Ray quote a friend shared with me a few years ago. "You have a choice in life: You can either strive to be perfect or you can strive to be whole. If you strive to be whole, you have to surrender to your process. You have to surrender to the seasons of your psyche. You have to realize that allowing yourself to be depressed, tired and totally uninspired is the ultimate trust in the universe.” I was attempting to have ultimate trust in the universe, and friction was being caused by the part of me that still believes this is silly and impossible. Wednesday. I woke up, still in a funk. Great, here we go again. So I spent the day watching my two beliefs play mental tennis. Last night in meditation, this question popped into my head: “How long do I let this go on?” The answer that arose was “You’ll know when to step in, you’ll know what to do cuz it’ll just feel right. This is the trust part of the quote dear.” So I woke up this morning feeling groggy because apparently my 2 beliefs continued to battle in my subconscious via the dream realm; However, something felt different. It is hard to put into words but I felt like I didn’t need to be in the abyss anymore (and that I had the ability to get out of it too). So I trusted. And I got up. Drank my tea in silence. And then I gave myself a nudge forward and got on with my day. So another opportunity to give over. Another opportunity to surrender to what is. I will end this musing first, with questions that I posed in another musing about surrender. (see Surrender 12/27/2018).
And second: I turned each of the lines of the Reggie Ray quote into questions:
Hugs hugs! :)
This practice is the routine we do at a monthly Chair Yoga session I lead. Audio quality good, video quality not great but it serves its purpose :) **If you are unfamiliar with these poses, please take care. Listen to your body. Watch the video through once before joining, to familiarize your self with the poses and the way they are presented. Hot off the presses! Join me for a 14 minute guided practice to balance your emotions & your mood. Similar to what you would experience at the start of one of my yoga classes - A "noticing & allowing" body scan followed by a guided "one side of body" breathing exercise. Balance left & right side of body & brain too. (Similar to alternate nostril breath) Well, it took many days and hours of work, but here it finally is! Made in my home studio. Yes, i realize the picture quality is blurry. That is because i used the "selfie" setting on my phone so that i could watch myself as i recorded. Because my space is so small, i have limited camera placement options. If i moved my body too far to the left, right, or forward, i was out of the frame. Thankfully the voice/sound quality is good. My wish is that this practice helps you to stay flexible & strong in this time of change. And thank you for your continued support! Thank you for sharing your experiences, feedback and kind words - keep them coming! I am also joyfully and gratefully accepting gifts to continue these productions. You can send gifts via PayPal or E-Transfer. HUGS! |
Join me here as i expand my awareness and understanding of being human. This page is: part writing - sharing my experiences and offering up questions, if you'd like to play along. part video - Short guided Hatha, Gentle, Restorative, & Yin practices to increase your physical strength & flexibility; And short guided relaxations, body scans, breathing exercises and meditations to to increase your mental strength & flexibility. If you are looking for something specific, use on the *Categories* below to narrow
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January 2024