Thanks again City of Courtenay, Recreation and Comox Valley Community Foundation for this opportunity to share and connect! Today's video is mostly standing. You might want a chair to modify to sitting for some poses. You will also need some sort of support to hold onto like a wall, a counter, a chair, a desk. So let's get comfy with losing control!!
Gentle, nourishing, & calming practice. Check-in + breath work, four poses (short holds) and then guided relaxation. **If you are unfamiliar with Restorative Yoga or Sheron's teaching style, please take care. Listen to your body. Watch the video through once before joining, to familiarize yourself with the poses and the way they are presented. |
Join me here as i expand my awareness and understanding of being human. This page is: part writing - sharing my experiences and offering up questions, if you'd like to play along. part video - Short guided Hatha, Gentle, Restorative, & Yin practices to increase your physical strength & flexibility; And short guided relaxations, body scans, breathing exercises and meditations to to increase your mental strength & flexibility. If you are looking for something specific, use on the *Categories* below to narrow
your search. *Categories*
January 2024